"You need to tread softly". "Here we go again, another wish washy Christian tarnishing God's name". "I can't believe you would say such things". "How dare you"? "Would you say you are pro gay or anti gay"? These are all phrases that stick out to me this week. They stick out to me because they have been said to me and my husband.
At first I wanted to write all the people off who didn't understand my heart and where we are coming from in doing this NOH8 campaign. And then I thought, I would be just as much a hypocrite as the ones who are judging gay people if I didn't open my heart to you as well. So as much as I am fighting myself about being vulnerable writing this, I am going to try. I will give you my best effort once again. Robbie and I believe in the Truth of the Bible. We have been guided by the truths and love and mercy of that sacred Book all throughout our lives. I carry it in my heart and use it as a basis on how to live my life. There are parts of the Bible I do not understand. For example, the entire book of Revelation. I have read that stinkin' book so many times and at the end I can only come up with, I guess God is trying to relate to the people who like video games and dragons and swords and all that scary stuff but I just don't get it.
I believe sin is on this earth in an unimaginable way. In every way. We all sin. No matter who you are. Sin is within your actions and your heart, it consumes this world. God hates sin. God does not hate people. People sin. People are not Sin. They are two different things. God doesn't hate sin because he picks and chooses things to make our lives less fun. God knows sin hurts people. Sin makes Life hard and tough. He loves us and doesn't want us to have to deal with the crap of this world. God did not intend for us to live this way. But man chose sin. Therefore, in our very nature and Being we sin. We can not escape from that. When I say we should celebrate the fact we can finally except ourselves for who we are (our sins included) we start to love ourselves the way Jesus loves us. He see's us as perfection. We are no longer defined by the sin of this world through acceptance of Him. Celebrating who you are means accepting we need Jesus because to be honest we all just really suck as people. We should celebrate the we are human. When we realize this we realize how much we need something more. I am not telling you to go and have an affair with your wife and then celebrate it because you are finally free of her nagging obnoxiousness. No! That is not it at all.
Robbie and I have been told to "tread softly" because our NOH8 campaign has ruffled quite a few feathers as expected which is why I write this letter, Dear Some Christians. I wonder if Jesus cared what the Pharisees thought about him when he was healing people on the Sabbath. The law at the time prohibited that very act. Treading softly, I am afraid doesn't change the world. Robbie and I are human and we were interviewed for an article in which we are proud of. We are thankful for the people that saw our heart through the whole thing. This post is for the people who can't see.
I have been angry at you. I have been frustrated with you. Why? For not understanding. For jumping to conclusions. For not knowing what an interview is in its very nature. For twisting my words. For seeing that what I don't say is: whether being gay or not is a sin. And why I don't say that. Yes, I have an opinion but Who am I to tell anyone what areas of life they need to change? Last time I checked no one came to Christ sin-LESS. We ALL already know what our sins are. This is what is called a conscience. God is the ONLY one who can change peoples sins. No matter how many times you tell someone what there sins are, you can not change them. BUT what does matter is how many times you tell someone they are loved. How you treat people. Robbie and I didn't want to focus on what we felt was already obvious but to focus on what went a lot deeper. To love people regardless.
I didn't want to write this because I felt like it was the easy thing to do. Like it would come across like we messed up and we were back tracking. We are NOT! We are both proud of this. I felt like Some Christians were begging me to come out and say Homosexuality is a sin because they wanted to judge me based on my belief. You are going to get that out of me on paper, or in this blog. I purposeful never have written that or been quoted on that. If someone wanted to know my opinion in person I would be glad to have a light hearted conversation about my OPINION. I will NOT get involved in petty arguments... If I can help it. In my previous blog entry, I quoted an author and her stance on being homosexual. I think what she writes is a beautiful letter to her son. These are not my words. I agree with HER HEART on the matter but that doesn't mean I wrote those words or that I believe the exact same thing she does. I know what she means and I love that about her. If you are a Christian who needs to know the answer, are you pro gay or anti gay? I will tell you this. I am pro people. If you need to know if I think Homosexuality is a sin? I will tell you this, I believe in Truth. I know these answers might not be good enough for you but I also don't think Christ's answers were good enough for the Highly knowledgeable Spiritual Leaders either.
When Jesus was at the prostitutes side, no where is it recorded that Jesus told her what her sins were. I believe she knew. We all know what we are doing wrong. No? What is recorded is that Jesus stood up for her. He gave her what she did not deserve (according to the Law). He said, "those of you who are with out sin may cast the first stone". And he said, "Now leave your life of sin". I would like to take a look at what he didn't say. He didn't tell her once how being a prostitute is wrong and deserving of death. He does tell her to leave her life of sin. We all sin. We all live a lifestyle of sin. He doesn't say you need to stop prostituting yourself around. He only says what is NECESSARY. I believe Robbie and I, in our NOH8 campaign said only what we felt necessary and whether certain things were left out or misunderstood, we know in our hearts what was printed was what was necessary.
What I also like about this story is this: "They were using this as a trap as a basis for accusing him". Matthew 8:6
Dear Some Christians, (the ones who have blasted us on twitter, the ones who have threatened us, the ones who have called us out in front of others instead of pulling us to the side with your questions, the ones who can't seem to see our heart and focus on what we do say and the things we don't say but instead you put your own twist on the NOH8 campaign article). You are using this as a basis for accusing us. And I will let you know one thing. Our faith will not be measured by man.
Jesus says this in response, "For I know where I came from and I know where I am going" to the Teachers of the Law. To me, this means You can not measure my faith based on your human interpretations and judgements. And I will say it again, TO ME it does NOT matter what your sins are. It does not matter what your sexual orientation is or whether you drink too much, or whether you have an eating disorder or smoke pot or read the bible or don't, Jesus still loves you and I will too. I am not saying, YOUR SINS DON'T MATTER, GO AND DO WHATEVER THE HECK YOU WANT!
I do believe the Bible is confusing. I do believe that humans have a hard time interpreting exactly what it all means. I believe we all have a right to our own interpretations and all of our interpretations will be different because none of us are perfect. I believe if you start limiting access to your particular groups of people with the same interpretations as yourself, eventually you will be the only one in your group. ALONE. I believe in identifying with the prostitute and not with the Teachers of the Law.
I believe in people. And that is why I had to address the people who are confused. You are not bad people. You have done bad things. We all do.
"When you judge people, we have no time to love them" --Mother Teresa
I believe Mother Teresa was Catholic.... Am I right? American Catholic to be exact. Just in case there is any confusion.... I am not Catholic because I am quoting her. I know Catholics are known to gamble and drink too much but rest assure I am fine. I have no addictions like that but since we are being honest sometimes I shop too much. I am sure God will take that up with me when I get to Heaven. Until then I will try my best not to spend all of Robbies money on shoes. But if I do, Some Christians, please try your best not to make my shopping addiction your basis to judge me. I really am a whole lot more than shoes and clothes and makeup.
The Bible is a Sword.... I'd agree with that I think. But it is not our Sword to swing.
P.s... I really never intended for this blog to be a "come to Jesus" blog and it actually is NOT. But this seems to be the topic of conversation being that Robbie and I are vocal about it. No worries, if you are tired of hearing me rambling I will have posts telling you in full detail how amazing it was to win the Wild card game and go to play offs. GOOOOOO RANGERSSSS!
Oh Ya! And if any of you think it will be funny to make fun of all the things I spelled wrong in this post... Really go right ahead because my grammatical errors could really just make light of all the drama I have had the past few days.
as always HE>i
I have so much respect for you. Thank you for not back-tracking on your thoughts and opinions just because a few people got mad at you for it. Since Robbie joined the Rangers, I have loved him as a pitcher, and after following you on twitter, and now reading your blog, I think I like you more than I like him...lol. Stay true to yourself and ignore all those idiots who have to make themselves feel better by tearing you and your husband down.
ReplyDelete1 Corinthians 6:9 - 11 states that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. That is what the bible states. So true love for homosexuals or gluttons would be to help them see their sin so they can repent and turn to God. Verse 11 of that passage says, "Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Chris and in the Spirit of our God."
ReplyDeleteNotice that it is past tense. Some of you were....drunkards, adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, covetous...... They were, they had repented and turned from their sin. Yes, we are all sinners but if a person does not turn from their sin then they will die in their sin and be judged for it.
We need to be careful about making the gospel so easy that it becomes no gospel at all. The gospel is about love but it is also about sin and judgement. Living a holy life only confirms that the gospel is true in us but we need to use words and a whole gospel for sinners to be saved.
The gospel is simple but it is hard. The Sermon on the mount in Mathew 7 talks about the Narrow gate.
John 8: 30 - 32 says, "As He spoke these words many believed in Him. Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, 'If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.' "
Salvation is a life lived in the direction of obedience. And not in what we think is obedience but what the God has given us in His word.