Hello beautiful people!
I am going to start blogging again. I took a little break in the off season because I think its too easy for me to get caught up in the computer when I should be soaking up family and friends. And a lot of me thought I really had nothing to write about and I am not good at expressing myself with written words because of that thing called spelling. So there was that. And I swear I have an education. If you follow me on Twitter you probably wouldn't guess that. But I went to a private highschool and attended college. I didn't graduate but still... I know how to spell. I just think its overrated. You would rather have the raw unedited version of me.
A lot of people (2) have asked me why I haven't blogged lately and I took that as a sign. So here I am at my computer typing away in my pajamas wondering what in the world I can offer this world.
Yesterday I ran into two media people after Robbie's game. I wont say their names but WOW! Such nice guys. One of them shook my hand and said, "I really appreciate what your doing on social media. Keep doing it. You're like a social activist". So naturally I Googled what that meant. And yes!!! YES! Yes I want and accept that title. Helen Keller was an activist and I studied sign language ya know?
I learned many things from that small little conversation last night. So let me share.
1.) Make friends with the Media.
2.) When you are true to yourself you inspire others. That is all I ever want to do in life. I used to get frustrated with God because I wanted to work so bad. I have so many dreams that I felt couldn't be met or had to be put on hold because of baseball. If you talk to a lot of baseball wives they will tell you the same thing. And I felt guilty about that feeling for a long time because what a beautiful life I have. But at the same time I couldn't really truly be filled up if my desires and dreams weren't met too. My number one goal has always been to support my husband no matter what that means. That could mean being the best hitting pitcher in the MLB or that could mean Robbie wakes up one day and decides he wants to deliver newspapers at the butt crack of dawn. As long as our bills were paid I would buy a bike and ride right along side of him signing joyfully. The guilt and shame I carried for having feelings of resentment changed me. For the better. I told myself if you cant have a paying job then make a job for yourself. And do it to the fullest. That is way unless I am traveling for something else then I am at every single one of Robbie's appearances. I speak and greet and hug the fans with opens arms. I realize the people want to see and meet and hug Robbie but are only given 5.3 seconds to get their picture and autograph so I give them second best. I am an extension of Robbie and I can give them a piece of THE REAL ROBBIE ROSS JR:) Plus it lets all the girls know HE IS TAKEN!
3.) I have started to pursue those dreams I had as a child and wont tell you what they are because they are still very scary and volnerable for me. Every one has dreams. And I believe God gave them to us for a reason. We should pursue them. We can't offer this world much if we aren't LIVING OUT LOUD.
4.) Social Activist or maybe even love activist will be my new job description. I will find a way to make that official. And thank you media man who will remain nameless for saying those kind words to me. You might not have known how crucial those were to me that day. Ive always said that for every negative person I encounter God always gives me three positive ones to balance it. I am the type of person who gets really hurt when someone is mean. Weird, right? But early in the day someone fairly close to us sent a message with some passive aggressiveness laced with anger and insecurity to one of our phones and at breakfast when I read it I busted out in tears. Because the message (which I wont expose the person or situation so try to follow) hurt me. All because Robbie and I believe differently about God than they do. And people want to try and "fix" us and tell us we aren't good enough Christians because of how we love others. And to that I say BUG OFF! Not really I just cry and Robbie holds me and tells me I am an emotional mess but that he agrees and some people are just plain lost. We all are. We are the blind leading the blind. We cant fix each other. But that day God still showed up. He sent me three positive people for the one Negative Nancy. Robbie who was there to hold me and put me back together. A young girl on twitter who sent me a tweet thanking me for doing the NOH8 campaign and the two nameless media men. I am learning to look for the beauty in every day and yesterday I found it in them.
5.) Back to blogging. And I am not really sure how this connects so just go with me. A girl named Jessica just wrote a blog post about some of the wives in baseball and she copied something I had written in one of my blogs. Flattering.... until I read what I written. She was being very sweet and encouraging but after I had read my own words, I thought to myself, "WOW Britt you really don't make a lot f sense when you write. And then I said to myself, "Self that is not good. Not good at all. If you can't even understanding what you wrote then who the heck else will?"
But I changed my mind. Who cares if anyone likes it or cares about it or understands it. As long as you are following your heart and offering a piece of yourself to this world someone will find it beautiful. So thank you Jessica Kleinschmidt (wow your name is hard to spell) for reminding me and everyone else that beauty is within. Beauty has everything to do with your heart and nothing to do with your body. Beauty is felt and not seen.
And my little tid bit about Robbie: I love it that you are asking me if "they" have made a decision about Robbie and starting. Keep asking! Just don't keep asking me. Ask "Them". Well you can ask me I just can't give you an answer because I am the last person to find out about anything. Usually my grandma gives me baseball updates. How this is possible is beyond me. I have heard a rumor "they" are making a decision soon which I would hope because we only have two more weeks of S.T.
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I think your blog is cool, but more importantly I think you and Robbie are awesome people! I am simply a fan but I really admire everything that y'all stand for and the great examples you are to other people. Obviously being a baseball player and baseball wife you are exposed to publicity and all that, and I just think it's awesome how you can use that as a stage for Christ and to be a light in such darkness!! Your genuineness is so refreshing and that also makes you two really fun to keep up with on twitter and all that. Well that's pretty much all I have to say, just wanted to let you know how appreciated y'all really are! Keep it up!! :)