Friday, July 18, 2014

I hate this stupid blog!

I hate this stupid blog y'all! I really do! 
I don't like it. I always forget to write. I don't know what I'm doing. I can't figure out how to make it look the way I want. So whatever. I've decided that instead of trying to mush myself into the blog box I'm just going to make a Facebook page. So much relief! Because I really love blogging. I love writing. It doesn't even matter that I'm no good at it. Facebook is much more accepting of misspelled words any ways. So I've created a Facebook page and everything and everyone can move over there! It would mean a whole lot to me. 
The reason I started this blog was because to be quite honest y'all scared the crap out of me. The first time someone tweeted me was in spring training. And they said, "Brittany ross is on twitter!" And that really freaked me out. People that I didn't know wanted to follow me on Twitter.... Insane! So what do you do when you are scared?! You lean into the fear. And that's what I did. With this blog- sort of. It is supposed to be a way to connect the fans to the sport, for women to understand women, my friends and family to keep up, and for everyone to laugh at my hilariously ridiculous life. I do a down right horrible job at blogging bc I hate it. So Facebook is the answer!!! I love reading y'all's comments and emails and tweets. Using Facebook will be like building a small community where I'll actually know how to resound and add pictures and videos. This is a revolution to me. 
All Things Ross is the Facebook page name. So, Here's the deal. If y'all would go over to the Facebook page and LIKE it!!! And if the page seems to be catching on then maybe I'll do a giveaway. Some people have been contacting me about supporting there brand or products so I will be able to share that with you guys too! 
I still suck at complicated things so be patient with me:) 
See ya on FB

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