I've been reading all of your tweets. I am beyond blessed and encouraged by them. Robbie was moved back to the bullpin a few days ago. This might seem like devastating news but I'm not convinced it is. I'm not going to lie when I found out I cried for a second. But you should know that's nothing new. I cry like six times a day. Sometimes for no reason at all. But just as quick as the tears came- they also went away.
Because who flippin cares!? Rob and I are extremely blessed and he still has a job. I hope he gets another chance to start. But I have nothing to complain about, be sad about or get stressed over. Joy is a choice and I think you can choice joy even in your trials. This is just a bump in the road. Rob and I are happy to be alive. I really can't help but fall more and more in love with life everyday. Life is an adventure and a journey and a miracle!! I used to not be able to see that. I used to not be able to see beyond my own circumstances. And I still struggle with that from time to time- I think we all do. But life is an amazing gift filled with miracles and dreams that come true. Life is a dream. It has nothing to do with baseball and the glitz that baseball brings along with it (well maybe it has a little to do with that). Its about finding joy wherever you are in life. Because the more you find joy the more it comes along.
Baseball isn't our entire life. Robbie has always said to me, "If baseball ended today we would be just fine". For some people you might not understand that. Baseball is a large percentage of our lives. There are days, weeks and months I feel like all I've breathed is baseball. Us baseball wives have a theory that during baseball season we don't know the days of the week. It's true. Hoping from plane to plane makes things fun, interesting, and sometimes confusing. There are times I can't remember what city I'm in and I think I see someone I know! And then remember "oh ya! Im in Seattle and I don't know a single person here"!
And for some people that saying, "if baseball ended today we would be just fine" might be a little offensive. Some people believe you need to commit your entire life to baseball in order to succeed. Baseball will end one day . For everyone who plays, watches and coaches- it ends!! So if baseball is all you give your heart to then when it ends you will end with it. Our entire identity would fade when baseball exists our lives. I've seen it happen to lots of people on my side of the industry. Robbie's rooted in God and in the journey that we are going through together. So the challenges that are thrown our way will be welcomed. We won't always welcome them gladly I can assure you that. But this little challenge is just what I like to call growth.
Robbie and I are very thankful for all the people who take time to stay positive. I'll never be able to express how amazing it is to receive your comments on Twitter.
My girlfriend, Rachel asked me this morning if people tweet me mean things on Twitter all the time. I told her that it does happen sometimes but the good far outweighs the bad. Most of the mean comments I find so funny I actually like their sarcasm. (Please don't tweet me mean things now) The key is to learn from all of it. And to not take life too seriously. If I believed everything that was said to me then I would have a huge head and be really insecure all at the same time. We can't live our lives that way. We all have to be rooted in something - someone much stronger than baseball, or Twitter, or other peoples opinions of you, or your job, or whatever it might be. I think our strength comes from within. And I believe we all have that strength within us.
The Divine Light in Me honors the Divine Light in You.
Ps I don't have time to spell check this (not that I ever spell check) because I'm getting bad tan lines from sitting outside writing so please forgive all the misspelled words, incomplete, run on sentences. If you take nothing else from this just take the Namaste part.
It is awesome to see this perspective. It sounds like you have a great balance in your life! I have even more respect for you and your husband now. Congrats on your soon to be born nephew! I'll always be a fan of your incredible faith and the baseball side too! :-)